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Звуковые библиотеки - Native Instruments - Straylight 1.5.1 [Kontakt, OGG]

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Implode Sch ®
RG Soft
Стаж: 13 лет 7 мес.
Сообщений: 8696
Ratio: 110.449
Поблагодарили: 595832
Native Instruments - Straylight 1.5.1
Официальный сайт: Native Instruments

Раздаваемый материал: Звуковые библиотеки
Формат: Kontakt: NKC, NKI, NKR, NKX, NKSN, NICNT; OGG

Straylight - виртуальный инструмент от компания Native Instruments, который был разработан в сотрудничестве с Фрэнком Элтингом и известным композитором Полом Хаслингером. Плагин предназначен для создания кинематографических текстур и предлагает множество настроек для получения своего уникального звука.
В основе Native Instruments Straylight находится гранулированный звуковой движок с 360 согласованными источниками звука. В программе предусмотрен набор из 300 подготовленных пресетов, а также 14 дополнительных эффектов обработки (фильтры, эквалайзер, дилей, ревербератор и т д). Для управления звуком у плагина имеются регулировки высоты / тона, матрица XY-модуляций, секция импульсных характеристик, модуляторы интенсивности и времени, специализированный модуль зернистости, секция ADSR, опции усиления и многие другие настройки.
Каждый звуковой слой используемого пресета Straylight может обрабатываться независимо. Эффекты программы возможно использовать в виде назначаемых макросов, а любой параметр поддерживает назначение на MIDI клавиатуры для живого управления.

- KONTAKT 6.2 +
- 24 bit 48 kHz stereo
- needs a fast CPU to run and requires an Intel i7 processor or higher
- Windows 10 (32/64-bit)

    Craft unique cinematic soundscapes, transitions, and ambient tones in real-time. Built for sound designers and film, TV, and game composers, STRAYLIGHT is ideal for everything from post-apocalyptic sci-fi to gritty thrillers. It combines specialized grain and sample playback modules with carefully captured sound sources, effects, and a powerful performance-based X-Y modulation matrix, allowing inspirational dynamic performance and sound design, direct to picture.

    STRAYLIGHT delivers screen-ready cinematic sound sources without the need for additional processing – letting you concentrate on creativity, even when time is tight. We spent a lot of time testing sources and playing techniques, looking for the best and most interesting sounds for the granular engine – such as rubbing a rubber ball on glass. The result is over 360 unique matched sound sources for the granular and sample modules, with over 300 presets.

    STRAYLIGHT has a bespoke granular engine that places the source audio into a powerful and specialized – yet easy-to-use – interface. Harness lush, organic timbres that can defy time and pitch, yet still retain the pristine character of the source sounds (strings, glass, stone, membranes, even your own samples, and more), and sonically evolve over time (risers and transitions can adapt automatically to project tempo).

    Small sounds can be vastly magnified in size and scope without sacrificing their sound quality or character. The granular engine is then paired with a layer from the sample module, offering the same level of editing and modulation.

    STRAYLIGHT’s modulation and effects sections ensure a fast, creative workflow. The precise X-Y control enables expressive direct-to-picture performance and detailed control over intensity and timing. Apply and modulate up to 14 different effects – taken from nine different categories: Filters, dynamics, EQs, gaters, drivers, modulation, delays, utilities, and reverbs, as well as the renowned chorus, flanger, and phaser effects from MOD PACK. STRAYLIGHT even includes specially captured reverb impulse responses, selected to complement its audio content and granular engine.

    STRAYLIGHT was built in collaboration with Frank Elting and The most human colors, a boutique instrument and sound design agency. The instrument was also developed in consultation with composer Paul Haslinger (Underworld, Minority Report, Fear The Walking Dead, Rainbow Six: Siege).

    • Unique cinematic granular timbres
    • Tailored modulation with precise control of intensity and timing
    • Drag and drop your own samples for one of a kind sounds

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[NNMClub.to]_Native Instruments Straylight v1.5.1.torrent
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Implode Sch ®
RG Soft
Стаж: 13 лет 7 мес.
Сообщений: 8696
Ratio: 110.449
Поблагодарили: 595832
Native Instruments - Kontakt 7.8.0 STANDALONE, VSTi, VSTi 3, AAX (x64) Portable by vkDanilov [En]


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